First off, three things:
1: To any german speaking friends, relatives, etc.: If you don't understand anything, please tell me.
(An alle deutsch sprechenden Freunde, Familie, etc.: Falls du irgendwas nicht verstehst, bitte meld dich einfach bei mir!)
2: To my "Designer"-Friends:
If you don't like the Design, shut up. This is not about the Design. Thanks, love you.
and 3: Please ignore all the posts with the label "Journal". They are just for my Web Design Class. I mean, if you're interested in what I do in my Web Design Class, go ahead, but yeah... I don't think they're too interesting...
The blogs I meant for anyone else are labeled "Kansas 14/15", you can view only those if you klick at "Personal Posts" right below my picture.

Montag, 24. November 2014

Monday, November 24th 2014

What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.

Originally, I was supposed to go to Texas with my Hostfamily, to Houston and Dallas, to be exact, but this plan changed, when my hostsister didn't want to go, because it was a too long car ride, for too little time staying in Houston and Dallas. 
So now, my hostparents are still going to Texas, while my hostsister and I are staying home. 
That also means, that I will be celebrating Thanksgiving with a friend from my ELA class, Sam. I'm absolutely pumped about that! It will be my first thanksgiving! That also means, that I don't have any traditions of course, and to be honest I don't really know if Sam and the family have any traditions. I'm just extremely excited for my first american Thanksgiving! 
The Thing is, we actually have a thing similar to thanksgiving in Austria, that is called "Ernte-Dank-Fest". Literally translated, that would mean harvest-thank-fest. So, as you probably figured by now, this is all about celebrating a good harvest. So it is quite different from thanksgiving, but a little bit similar too. Also, I have never in my life celebrated "Ernte-Dank-Fest". I live in a city and this event is only celebrated on the country side. 

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