First off, three things:
1: To any german speaking friends, relatives, etc.: If you don't understand anything, please tell me.
(An alle deutsch sprechenden Freunde, Familie, etc.: Falls du irgendwas nicht verstehst, bitte meld dich einfach bei mir!)
2: To my "Designer"-Friends:
If you don't like the Design, shut up. This is not about the Design. Thanks, love you.
and 3: Please ignore all the posts with the label "Journal". They are just for my Web Design Class. I mean, if you're interested in what I do in my Web Design Class, go ahead, but yeah... I don't think they're too interesting...
The blogs I meant for anyone else are labeled "Kansas 14/15", you can view only those if you klick at "Personal Posts" right below my picture.

Montag, 29. September 2014

Monday, September 29th 2014

Tell me about your Homecoming weekend! If you didn't participate in the Homecoming festivities, what did you do? Share pics!

I did participate in the Homecoming festivities, and it was a very interesting evening. 
I now get, that schooldances are indeed very different here than they are in Vienna. That does not mean better or worse, just very very different. 
That starts with the location and goes all the way to music. Also it is a way bigger deal here and in Austria the whole picture taking thing beforehand doesn't happen. 
Also you don't go to dinner all together usually. 
The rest of the weekend I didn't do anything productive except for skyping with my parents and my best friend back home and watching The Fault in our Stars. I cried a lot (during the movie).

Montag, 22. September 2014

Monday, September 22nd 2014

How was your weekend? Did you do anything exciting? Share photos!

My weekend was pretty cool. Friday to Saturday I had a sleepover with AFS (The organization I am here with) and all the other exchange students who are currently in Kansas City area. 
It was really cool! I met a lot of awesome people and Saturday was a really cool day! 
The only not so cool thing, is that that was the only meeting with all of the exchange students in Kansas City Area. All the next meetings are only gonna be with the people in Overland Park area. So that means most of the people I met I'm probably not going to see again, since most of them live somewhere over in Missouri that's too far for me to just visit them like that. 
But it was still a fun weekend and I'm glad I met them. 
On Sunday I went Dress shopping, but the whole thing turned out way more complicated than thought and it was pretty exhausting. Aunt Anne's awesome Pretzels saved the day though. I had Pretzel Dogs and they were delicious!

Freitag, 19. September 2014

Friday, September 19th 2014

Now that you are several weeks in to this class and have coded one (super small) website, what do you think? What are your thoughts on web design? Is it what you thought it would be? Is it better? Worse? What's your favorite part? What's your least favorite part? Explain.

I like Webdesign! It is definitely one of my favorite subjects in this school. It is also what I thought it would be, but coding is definitely not what I thought it would be. On the one hand I thought it would be way more complicated, on the other hand it is very complicated...
So it is neither worse nor better. It's just different. 
My favorite part is the coding, when the moment comes that you open your webpage and you see that you made progress. 
My leas favorite part is also coding. But this time it's the moment when you open you webpage and you thought you made progress but nothing changed and you don't know why. That kind of happens a lot to me with the "All About Me" Webpage and I just do not know why, no matter what I try. 
That is exhausting. But apart from that, I really like coding. 

Dienstag, 16. September 2014

Tuesday, September 16th 2014

Reflect on this quote. Give an example of a time in your life that this might have been the case.

Okay. So I misread this quote. I thought it meant if you are prepared to fail you automatically failed. So don't mind me. I just wrote a huge paragraph about a wrong quote. So. Yeah. I guess the quote is true. You should always be prepared. Think about what you say, think about what you do. 
Sometimes you can't be prepared, and that can be tough, but when you can be prepared you should be. Exams and tests are a good example. If you're not preparing, you are simply preparing to fail the test. Of course, sometimes, for some people, it works out without preparing. But in general it does not. In general, people need to study for a test, an exam. Sometimes I'm not one of those people. I love it. But usually I am. So usually, Benjamin Franklin is right about this, I guess. 

Montag, 15. September 2014

Monday, September 15th 2014

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

My Saturday was a very busy day. First I went on a Birthday Party with my Family. The Birthday girl turned 1 year old that day, and there was a lot of indian food and a huge cake. 
Later on wen went back home, but on our way we went to a french clothing store (I forgot the name) where Menita bought a dress. 
After that we were in quite a hurry to get to the next event: 
An indian classical dance graduation of a friend of the family. The girl that did the dance graduation (together with another woman) invited a lot of people to this huge show in the Shawnee Mission East High School. 
The Event was really long, and to be honest sometimes a little bit boring for someone who has no clue about indian classical dance. Afterwards there was more indian food. I love it. Indian food is the best, and I stuffed myself. (I also ate a lot for lunch - I ate A LOT that day)

Sunday all I did was skype with my parents and then get sick - I slept a lot that day. 

Mittwoch, 10. September 2014

Wednesday, September 10th 2014

Below is one of my favorite quotes that I found on Pinterest. Think read and think about what this says and then blog about it. What does this quote mean to you? Elaborate! Feel free to give an example of tell a story.

I actually think, boredom is a very good thing. And being bored, is something everyone should be once in a while. 
When I was young, I used to say "I'm bored" a lot. My Mom hated it, but she always gave me an answer, that eventually stuck with me. What she said was, that whenever you're bored, that's a good thing. Out of boredom, the best things come. 
And I think, that's true. Sometimes, a little bit of boredom is a good thing. I know for myself, that sometimes when I'm bored, shortly afterwards I'm the most productive. So I think boredom is a good thing. And sometimes, it's okay to complain about it. As long as you're looking for something, to kill the boredom. Just complaining is always bad. 

Dienstag, 9. September 2014

Tuesday, September 9th 2014

How do you express your creativity? Explain.

I believe everyone expresses his creativity all the time. In the way they solve their everyday problems, in the way they do pretty much everything. 
I specifically express my "imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work" through my Design work and my drawings. I also used to paint at home in school, but I don't do that anymore here in the US. I will do it, as soon as I get back though. 

Montag, 8. September 2014

Monday, September 8th 2014

What did you do this weekend? Share pictures if you have them!

This weekend I was at a lunch party from some Neighbors who moved into a new house. They served some delicious food and I embarrassed myself in an Indian Community by eating with a spoon. But the dishes were too good to care. The rest of my saturday was not too exciting. I ate ice cream and went shopping, but not really, since we went to Target.
Then on Sunday we were on an India festival. It was really cool, I was helping on a stall that was selling stuff from an Indian orphanage. They sold cute little bags and shirts and I didn't buy any, but other people did, so that was nice. 
After that I had a pretty lazy Sunday with a lot of drawing and TV Shows and other stupid stuff.

Mittwoch, 3. September 2014

Wednesday, September 3rd 2014

Tell me about what you have learned in this class so far. Have you learned a lot? Do you want to learn more? What do you want to be able to do by the end of the semester?

I learned a lot in this subject. So far, I've learned a lot of the basic html-elements. I learned how to make a website (even though it is pretty ugly from what I've learned so far)
I still think I learned a lot in the past few weeks, especially if I look back at what I knew before. 
I definitely want to learn more though. At the End of the semester, I would like to know at least a little bit about how to make my website look better. 
At heart, I'm a growing Graphic Designer, and the Websites I can make so far, don't exactly make me happy. So, at the end of the semester, I would like to know how I make my website look more graphic-designy using CSS. 
I would also like to understand websites more at the end of the semester. Right now, if I look at a Webpage, I can tell which html-elements they might have used for the font-style. But I can't tell how they managed to get the pictures in such a good grid or how they managed to set up certain symbols and illustrations. I would love to understand that at the end of the semester, at least a bit more than I do right now. 

Dienstag, 2. September 2014

Tuesday, September 2nd 2014

Tell me all about your Labor Day weekend. What did you do? Include photos!

My Labor Day weekend I went camping with my family and three friends of Menita. 
Saturday to Sunday we slept in tents and Sunday Morning we went canoeing. It was very funny but I got a sunburn and some people tried to convert me to Christianity. 
That was not the first time that happened to me, but it was definitely the most funny time. 
I struggled so hard not to laugh. They told us we were running of a cliff and they were just trying to help us. 
For me it was especially embarrassing because there were three Hindu-Teenagers sitting at the table, and the woman just wouldn't stop talking. Also we kind of had to be polite because they just gave us free Hot Dogs; That was definitely one of the experiences I wanted to make on this year abroad. 
Getting told I'm going to hell because I don't believe in Jesus.  
On our way home on Sunday we watched a movie called "We're the Millers". That movie didn't make me feel much, except for some muscles in my stomach I used while laughing. The movie's quite funny, and was not as stupid as I expected it to be.  
Sunday evening we arrived back home and on Monday we went to a friend's house to watch a video of their "Dance-Graduation". There was cake, so that was cool too. 
So all in all I had a great Labor Day Weekend.