First off, three things:
1: To any german speaking friends, relatives, etc.: If you don't understand anything, please tell me.
(An alle deutsch sprechenden Freunde, Familie, etc.: Falls du irgendwas nicht verstehst, bitte meld dich einfach bei mir!)
2: To my "Designer"-Friends:
If you don't like the Design, shut up. This is not about the Design. Thanks, love you.
and 3: Please ignore all the posts with the label "Journal". They are just for my Web Design Class. I mean, if you're interested in what I do in my Web Design Class, go ahead, but yeah... I don't think they're too interesting...
The blogs I meant for anyone else are labeled "Kansas 14/15", you can view only those if you klick at "Personal Posts" right below my picture.

Montag, 17. November 2014

Monday, November 17th 2014

Consider the quote below. What exactly do you think it means and how does it relate to Web Design?

Totally accurate, I totally agree. It's awesome if a Design is nice to look at, but if there's nothing behind it, it's not good Design. 
First of all, what is a nice-looking Design good for, if it doesn't work? 
Also, from just looking at a nice Website, you will probably loose interest pretty quick. 
This doesn't only apply to Web Design and Websites, but also to all other Design. A pretty poster is nice, but if it doesn't transmit the message or catch the pedestrians eye, what good is it? 
Same with packaging design. Pretty is nice, but if it doesn't do it's job, what is it really good for? 

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