First off, three things:
1: To any german speaking friends, relatives, etc.: If you don't understand anything, please tell me.
(An alle deutsch sprechenden Freunde, Familie, etc.: Falls du irgendwas nicht verstehst, bitte meld dich einfach bei mir!)
2: To my "Designer"-Friends:
If you don't like the Design, shut up. This is not about the Design. Thanks, love you.
and 3: Please ignore all the posts with the label "Journal". They are just for my Web Design Class. I mean, if you're interested in what I do in my Web Design Class, go ahead, but yeah... I don't think they're too interesting...
The blogs I meant for anyone else are labeled "Kansas 14/15", you can view only those if you klick at "Personal Posts" right below my picture.

Mittwoch, 27. August 2014

Wednesday, August 27th 2014

Tell me if you agree with this statement and then explain why or why not. "Images on the internet are 'free game' - if someone posted it, I should be able to use it."

I strongly disagree! 
Images on the internet are not a free game. People spent work on these images, and just because they want to make them public, does not mean they want everybody to use them. There are still rights to these pictures, and somebody has them, and other people should respect them. 
Still, I also think, everybody who uploads a picture somewhere on the internet, should be aware, that people are probably going to use it for whatever they want to. 
So I don't agree with the statement, but I do think everybody who uploads pictures should be aware of the fact that some people think that way.

image via

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